The Library delivers books to its registered outreach patrons that are unable to visit the library themselves.
Sign up for this program to help us keep our pantry stocked. You will have to attend the mandatory training session and commit to coming to the library once a week for the month you sign up for.
Mask Recommendation
Masks are recommended, but no library patron of any age would be prohibited from attending a library program for not wearing a mask.
Self-taught and emerging artist Adrianna Frye exhibits her colorful mandalas and dreamlike abstract paintings in acrylics and oils.
The Orland Park Public Library is subject to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Individuals who require an accommodation for a disability to any library presentations should contact the library at (708) 428-5114 at least five (5) working days prior to the event.
Mask Recommendation
Masks are recommended, but no library patron of any age would be prohibited from attending a library program for not wearing a mask.