The Library delivers books to its registered outreach patrons that are unable to visit the library themselves.
Salary Activist and Academic Onyx Montes, will cover lessons and strategies for women to advocate for transparency and better pay.
The Orland Park Public Library is subject to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Individuals who require an accommodation for a disability to any library presentations should contact the library at (708) 428-5114 at least five (5) working days prior to the event.
Mask Recommendation
Masks are recommended, but no library patron of any age would be prohibited from attending a library program for not wearing a mask.
Grades 6-12. Think you have what it takes to be a part of the Protect Your Peeps Challenge? You’ll have 30 mins to create a water craft for your peeps. The craft will then be tested in various ways.
Library Card Required (Youth)
Children will require their own library card to participate in this program. Orland Park Public Library cardholders will be given priority for admittance to programs, followed by cardholders from other libraries. For more information, call Youth Services at 708-428-5127. Parents of children ages 5 and younger must stay with their child.
Mask Recommendation
Masks are recommended, but no library patron of any age would be prohibited from attending a library program for not wearing a mask.